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GA Gästebuch v1.5

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#4317 05.10.2022 - 00:51 Uhr Karina Email
Zufaellig bin ich auf eure Seite gelandet und muss sagen, dass mir diese vom Design und den Informationen richtig gut gefaelt.
#4316 23.09.2022 - 09:35 Uhr Charmain Email
Hallo, Ich finde den Aufbau der Seite super. Macht bitte weiter so.
#4315 07.09.2022 - 09:49 Uhr Normand Email
Toll gemachte Seite, das Layout gefaellt mir sehr gut! War sicher ne menge Aufwand.
#4314 07.09.2022 - 09:22 Uhr Byron Email
Zufaellig bin ich auf eure Seite gelandet und muss sagen, dass mir diese vom Design und den Informationen richtig gut gefaellt.
#4313 01.09.2022 - 16:59 Uhr Delmar Email
Ich bin gerade zufaellig auf Ihrer Homepage gelandet (war eigentlich auf der Suche nach einer anderen Websiete).
Ich moechte diese Seite nicht verlassen, ohne Euch ein Lob zu dieser klar strukturierten und schick designten Page zu hinterlassen!
#4312 11.07.2022 - 09:35 Uhr Katrin Email
Schoene Seite, ich komme mal wieder vorbei.
#4311 12.06.2022 - 08:52 Uhr Ursula Email
UEFA Cup appeared in 1971. Competitions won high interest of fans.
In terms of significance this cup is inferior to the Champions League. But fans there are many. Matches tournaments often considered bookmakers. If desired fans may bet on games of UEFA Championship with gambling brand.

Tournament Emerges

In 1955 created the Fairs Cup. Games has been for nearly 20 years. Thoughts about the championship belong to to three football functionaries:
• Stanley Rose;
• Ottorino Barrasi;
• Ernst Thommen.
Base included single principle. Participate in the tournament could only players from one roster per city. That is a couple of teams from the German capital to fight for the title could.
First Tournament took place 36 months. Games lasted during fairs. First place according to the results deserved by the team of the capital of Catalonia.
Next stage led according to a similar rule. Participate had the opportunity compositions from localities where there were fairs. But there were differences without differences. Organizers allowed compete professional athletes. Cup started to be held annually. Increased number participants.

Championship reached high importance. As a result The Union of European Football Associations began to hold games under its own auspices.

First years

In the year of foundation the main prize was the London club. Championship changed name. Relations to fairs was no more. For the first time leadership taken by players from European north:
• Belgium;
• the Netherlands;
• Sweden;
• Germany;
• Great Britain.
Later cases changed. The UEFA Championship became a a place of confrontation for southern teams. Twice win win Real Madrid. Since the end of 1980s 8 times first place went to Italians.

Main award

The main prize was the silver bowl. Weighs the goblet 15 kg. Made product in Spain. Developers didn't put handles. Such a decision improved the attractiveness of the trophy.
Prize passes to the winner. Formerly trophy given to the team forever upon fulfillment of any of the conditions. Norms was 3:
1. Club won three times in a row.
2. Players won the trophy 5 times within one cycle.
3. Each cycle starts from the moment of the last transfer of the cup for perpetual storage.
Before the rule change theseconditions were to fulfill only players of the Spanish club Sevilla.
At the beginning of the last decade, the organization requirements changed. After conditions changed. Now champion takes replica of cup. Main trophy located by UEFA.
#4310 07.06.2022 - 19:39 Uhr Van Email
Football clubs often become legendary. Athletes wish to put on uniforms of their favorite squad.
Fanbase increasing inexorably. Top teams support in home country and rest of the world. Games attract millions of spectators. Introduce popular teams from different countries of the world.


"Juventus" originated in 1897. Roster considered most successful. About achievements it will be possible to talk long. In the early 2010s the club was named as the most famous among Italians.

Outside companies performed own computation. It was possible to find out that more than 13 million fans are sick of Juventus. The numbers are impressive. Similar support football fans have many other leading teams don't meet.

Football players of Juventus often help charities. Team patronizes different programs:

• education;
• medicine;
• support for the homeless.

Old Lady experienced declines. However the roster could pass problems.
Manchester City

Club featured because of the current situation. Roster steady shows excellent results.

Football Players every season trying to achieve the championship title in the English Premier League. Total number awards so far low. But state of affairs is improving.

Scheme work evokes exclusively flattering comments. Manchester City helps many clubs from different parts of the world. List includes countries from Americas, Asian region. Beginners athletes have a chance get into the best championship of.

Manchester United

List of leading teams remain stripped without Manchester United. This team has considered the most famous on the planet. Fanbase can be found in many countries:

• United States of America;
• Russian Federation;
• France.

Help club huge. Manchester United appeared late 1870s. During the existence managed overcome through different problems.

Manchester United is the most titled clubs of of English football in England .

Must note additional fact. In the early 1990s Manchester United founded the APL.

Best period came job Alex Ferguson. Club won different famous awards. At the moment about the past glory has only remembering. But Red Devils still could show excellent football.


Club first time originated in early last century. During years development "Star of the South" achieved title most famous team FRG. Account about 60 significant awards.

Currently fame came 2012. Club showed good game. Star of the South stayed in the leading lines in the national championship. Players were able to achieve excellent results at European champions.

Roster often helped other teams and ordinary people. Several times Bavaria supported Munich 1860. Management implemented various options support:

• economically attractive transitions;
• free matches;
• financial transactions.

Now support works addressed. Club attempts to help personally.


List of the best football teams planet would stripped down without Galacticos. FIFA recognized this squad as the leader of football of the last century.

The team won 65 ranks in national tournaments. To the list you can add 34 championships in the La Liga. Similar results of competitors does not exist.

"Real Madrid" appeared in beginning of the last century. Through 18 years of work team gave title royal.

Leading positions in local football roster tried to take over at the dawn of existence. Achieve this succeeded with the help of several reasons. The team is renowned for its comprehensive approach to training. Mentors try to focus on different parameters:

1. Shape of football players.
2. Selection.
3. Tactics of action.

Meticulous work helps creamy win championships. About the merits of the of the team successfully talk for hours. More 10 times Galacticos won in Champions League and other European club competitions.

Roster never didn't drop from the Spanish championship. Independent researchers believe Galacticos the most expensive club in the on the planet. Approximate value at the time of study amounted to approximately US$4 billion.

Annual income high. Club earns on selection, advertising, sponsorship. Significant part of earnings became sale seats in the stands during games.
#4309 06.06.2022 - 18:14 Uhr Elizbeth Email
Super Website. Vielen Dank.
#4308 06.06.2022 - 08:00 Uhr Robin Email
Soccer is the most popular kind of sport. the main rule hit the ball into the gates of opponents, using in this case all limbs except the arms.
Victory wins the team that scores more goals . Football appeared in 1863. The game originated in the UK.

Soccer History

Ball games appeared in ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Game were amusement and entertainment. 100 years ago the game became a student pastime. There were no general rules. Somewhere do not handle the ball. Somewhere it was allowed to throw the ball with the fingers.
In 1846 organized a real football tournament. In the UK several universities have agreed to play together. Students appointed a jury and came up with general requirements. In 1857 the first professional club of Sheffield was established . 20 years negotiations in the world sports association .

Only in 1971 the rules were finally formed , adopted requirements for sports attributes. In the same year the FA Cup was organized. In 1891 new provisions appeared. Penalty rule was approved. The throw was appointed as a penalty for breaking the game rules .

popularization of football

Football became really popular in 1880. The association includes more than 100 clubs. If in the beginning it was an entertaining game , but in the 80s, players started to get paid . Society did not want to accept money games. For athletes those receiving money banned from representing the country in national competitions , and club, breaking the rule , expelled from association .
5 years later players allowed to receive money for sports achievements . at the same time created a soccer league, its members became footballers. popularization of football

Football became really popular in 1880. The number of cubes within the football association has reached 100 pieces . If in the beginning it was an entertaining game , since 1981 there have been rumors that the players are getting money. Society did not want to accept money games.
For players those receiving money banned from representing the country in national competitions , and team , breaking the rule , removed from association. 5 years later athletes allowed play for a reward. at the same time the world's first football league appeared , calling its players professional workers .

In 1872 ended international football tournament has ended. In it competed players from England and Scotland. In 1904 the football association held a meeting in Paris . Members made a decision change the organization . So, it appeared popular company Fifa. Initially, the national games were called the Olympic Games.
With the advent of Fifa . This is how the famous UEFA EURO games were born . Uruguay is the first to win the Fifa Cup . The tournament takes place every 2 years. In 2020 due to the global pandemic the competition has been rescheduled for the next year .

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